I can't believe we are half-way through July already! After an unexpected emergency surgery in May and a difficult recovery, I am slowly getting back to normal. The garden was planted (by Hubby) all of the animals survived, and I am working my way through an extra-long to-do list trying to get caught up. I have several new videos on my YouTube channel (also thanks to Hubby), and I hope to get back to a regular video schedule next week. I just uploaded this video that you might enjoy. In it I talk about how normal breed standards are always true for all rabbits. I have two beautiful Red English Angoras that have fairly matt-free fiber, even after extended grooming sessions (like trying to recover).
Speaking of red English Angoras, Scarlett and Flynn produced 7 beautiful red babies that are now 10 weeks old. At the time of this post, I still have 5 available, 3 male and 2 female. I am hopeful that along with their beautiful color, these bunnies also inherited some of the fiber genetics that make these English easy to groom.
If you are interested in information or would like to purchase these gorgeous rabbits, please email me at tailspinfarm@gmail.com They are all pedigreed and are available now.
I had plans to do Drop Spindle and Spinning Wheel classes here at the farm. I am hoping to still do that, I just delayed a bit, and it may run into fall, which is a perfect time to jump into your spinning adventure. I also am a dealer for Spinolution Spinning Wheels I have 3 here at the farm and if you are looking to purchase your own wheel, but would like to try them out first, please contact me at tailspinfarm@gmail.com and we can schedule a time for you to come try them out! I have at least one farm event in the works for November and I will get more information to you as the plans come together. Have a wonderful week! I hope you are creating something!